סגור את תיבת החיפוש
Lehavot Fire Protection System

Research & Development


Lehavot’s advanced technological infrastructure allows us to provide cutting edge fire protection solutions.

Our responsiveness to the market, and creative, client-oriented approach is what drives our continuing success.

Robust, innovative products and systems begin with practical research.

Lehavot’s R&D department conceives of, and develops, groundbreaking research-based solutions that prove their potential in a multitude of real-world environments, under rigorous fire testing protocols.

Lehavot’s R&D is engaged in:

Designing of Fire Detection & Suppression Systems (FDSS)

Hardware and Software design

System Engineering

Project Management

Field Trials

Our Benefits

Testing ground

Recognized by the Standards Institute of Israel, (SII), and the National Fire Commissioner, Lehavot’s testing facility was created to evaluate FDSS using a broad range of tests under the most demanding conditions.

Facilities include:

Lehavot. Practical fire protection technology

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Mechanical Release Module (MRM)

Each Lehavot WCK system is equipped with at least one manual pull station providing a means of activating the system manually if required